Web Design
I have always had an evolving passion for web design. Since 16 years old, I’ve been developing websites for numerous brands. Whether you're launching a new business, pitching a new idea, or simply reflecting your brand image, I can design a customized website suited to your needs.
Duda Web Development
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Duda Web Development
Produced & redesigned numerous sites using Duda Web Development to reflect client and project goals.
Christ Centered Coaches - 2022
Developed site maps to optimize UI & UX of site
Used web design skills to construct new Squarespace site reflective of Christ Centered Coaches brand image
Communicated effectively with client to achieve desired goals and style preferences
Applied creative skills to produce and upload targeted content to website
Wrote copy for web pages to promote brand voice
Liberty Kitchen - 2020
Learned how to effectively communicate information to users through displaying organized content.
Further increased skillset in Squarespace.
Created successful experience for users to be able to purchase school lunch.
Increased brand awareness.
Emphasized consistency in design approach.
Communicated with clients needs and wants to produce successful site.
Approached technical difficulties with patience and devotion to goals.
Flying Cow Pizza - 2016
Gained knowledge about the basics of operating Squarespace.
Enhanced skillset in producing a website through Squarespace.
Stayed consistent with updates on events.
Reflected specific style aesthetics derived from business in the design approach.
Increased analytics and sales through stimulating viewers awareness about the business.
Stayed cohesive with business goals.
Communicated with client in order to achieve desired output.
Displayed relative information about business.
Developed successful blog for a social media optimization course, in hopes to stimulate viewers and increase their knowledge on chosen topic.
Increased knowledge and skillset on how to operate WordPress.
Effectively promoted knowledge of topic, through uploading consistent weekly blogs.
Created Social Media Calendar to establish consistency with posts.
Learned how to install plugins such as MonsterInsights to track analytics.
Increased analytics over the course of the semester.
Established the presence of an online community through communicating in the comments of blogs.
Social Media Calendar
Devote time and effort into learning new ways to promote content on a website. Increase your skillset in order to display relative content related to topic, brand, or company.
Execute your knowledge by building a website suited to the needs of the content.
Stimulate viewers attention through consistency in design and content in order to increase analytics.